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please read this interesting article by Asma Mostafa, Laila Anjuman Banu, Fashiur Rahman and Sudip Paul on Journal of Anthropology
Craniofacial Anthropometric Profile of Adult Bangladeshi Buddhist Chakma Females
The present descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study was designed to establish the baseline measurements of the craniofacial anthropometrical parameters and indices of 100 adult Bangladeshi Buddhist Chakma females aged between 25 and 45 years, residing at different locations of Chittagong and Rangamati cities. A total of ten craniofacial variables were measured using physical and photographic procedures. Craniofacial indices were calculated from those craniofacial variables. The craniofacial indices showed that Chakma females are mostly hyperbrachycephalic, hypereuryprosopic, and mesorrhine, with intermediate eyes and long narrow ears.