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EU publishes key results of its international cooperation and development activities

Press release - European Commission 22 Lug 2016

The first report based on the new "EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework" provides a selection of results achieved in about 100 partner countries across the globe with the support of EU-funded projects and programmes.


The first report based on the new "EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework" provides a selection of results achieved in about 100 partner countries across the globe with the support of EU-funded projects and programmes. This marks a significant step forward in terms of transparency, and strengthens the focus on performance and results in EU international cooperation and development.

Today, the European Commission publishes its first comprehensive report on its Results Framework. This constitutes a new way of reporting on results of EU-financed development projects and programmes – and outlines that the EU has contributed to significant results in partner countries.

The report presents the results of the most financially important EU funded projects and programmes completed between mid-2013 and mid-2014. It shows that, with the contribution of EU development cooperation, over4.5 million women of reproductive age and children under 5 benefited from nutrition-related programmes, and over 1.1 million births were attended by skilled health personnel, helping to reduce maternal mortality. Over 29 million children were enrolled at school, with over 19 million in primary education and 9.5 million in secondary education.

Other key results in the report highlight that more than 19 elections were supported where the electoral process was perceived by independent observers as free and fair and almost 14 million hectares of protected areas were managed to help ensure biological diversity and preserve natural heritage. Meanwhile, more than 325,000 people benefited from training and skills development intended to improve their employability, productivity and competitiveness.


Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Neven Mimica commented: "I am proud to present this report, which showcases the outstanding results that were achieved in our partner countries through projects and programmes financed by the European Union. Demonstrating the actual results of our work is crucial to maintain strong support from all of our partners, and in particular from EU citizens. I am strongly committed to an approach that is better focused on results – we need to show that every euro we spend on development is helping to make a difference".


The EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework has provided the basis for this annual EU report, which is the first of its kind. It presents results of development cooperation activities based on data reported by the partners implementing EU financed projects and programmes (i.e. partner countries, international organisations, EU Member State development agencies, international financial institutions and NGOs.)


This report marks a significant step forward in terms of transparency, providing a selection of results achieved by about 100 partner countries across the globe with the support of EU-funded projects and programmes. The areas it covers are: good governance, conflict prevention, energy, education, health, sustainable agriculture, transport, and environment and climate change.




The EU Results Report is the first of a series of systematic annual reports that present the results of development cooperation activities in an aggregated way, using quantitative indicators. It comprises results to which the EU has contributed (i.e. where a project was financed by the EU jointly with other funders, donors and/or the partner country governments themselves).

The report draws on the results of projects and programmes which ended between 1 July 2013 and 30 June 2014. It represents approximately 90% of the value of all EU-funded projects and programmes ending in that period of time.

The report aims to provide European citizens and other stakeholders with selected results obtained from EU financed development cooperation projects and programmes implemented in partner countries. It is part of a broader effort to strengthen the focus on performance and results in EU international cooperation and development.


More information


Read the full report here: EU International Cooperation And Development First Report On Selected Results, July 2013 - June 2014

An infograph on the Results Report: EU International Cooperation and Development

Questions and answers on the Results Report



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