Ecuador: 10 million mobile phones at the service of development

The workshop on “Humanizing technology for rural development” was recently co-organized by UNESCO, InfoDesarrollo Network and IICD in Riobamba, Ecuador.
It discussed how the outstanding spread of mobile technology in this country (76,81% of the population has a mobile phone) could be put at the service of development.

The meeting gathered representatives of infocenters, telecenters, rural associations, women NGOs as well as the members of InfoDesarrollo Network, an association made up of 30 organizations aiming at promoting the use of ICT for economic, social, cultural and scientific development.

Participants were presented with a wide range of examples and experiences on how the use of mobile phones can boost their income-generation activities and become a source of information that is crucial to development initiatives. Examples included M-banking, M-commerce, M-government and M-health projects.

Further information is available in Spanish at:

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