Life: The Excitement of Biology


A journal promoting the in-depth understanding of all forms of life

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LEB 3(4) Cover

Life: The Excitement of Biology 3(4)


Life: The Excitement of Biology is indexed by Biosis Previews,   Biological      Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, EBSCOhost Academic Search Ultimate, Google  Scholar,  Research Gate, and Zoological Record!


Life: The Excitement of Biology (LEB)

ISSN 2325-081X (print), ISSN 2325-0828 (online)

LEB is a peer-reviewed journal whose vision is to  provide      the global  scientific    community as well  as the community  at  large with diverse, high- quality, readable,  and  interesting  articles on a wide  variety of biological  and  related scientific  topics.



The mission of LEB is to promote broad  understanding of  all  forms of life, such as  bacteria,  plants, fungi, animals,  and others at all levels of the  biological hierarchical  organization, from the atomic to the biospheric.  LEB also promotes understanding  of the evolution of life, from its earliest records to its  current manifestations on Earth – or elsewhere.

Subject Coverage: All life. Original, review (or both) manuscripts of any length on systematics, ecology, evolution, morphology, physiology, behavior, biodiversity, conservation, paleobiology, and any other aspect of living or extinct organisms as well as nomenclatural papers, biographies, book reviews, obituaries, papers dealing with educational/outreach aspects of biology, history of biology, methods/technical papers as they apply to biology, among others, are appropriate topics for papers submitted to Life: The Excitement of Biology.  Please, feel free to contact the editor if you have questions.


Invitation to Subscribers

LEB invites all professional biologists, scientists, educators, libraries located in academic and research institutions, as well as nature lovers and others interested in learning about the living world to subscribe to LEB.  Please, feel free to visit the subscriptions tab for more information on ways to subscribe.

Invitation to Authors

Authors, please refer to the Authors tab for more details on how to submit papers to LEB.



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