CUHK Launches 'Belt and Road' Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance

Guido Donati 07 Nov 2023

The founding ceremony of the "Belt and Road" Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance and the presidential forum took place in grand style at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Leaders of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, government agencies in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, senior representatives of CUHK, leaders of the promoting units of the "Belt and Road" Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance, deans of more than 20 universities and research institutes, leaders in the Chinese traditional medicine industry, and other distinguished guests participated in the event.

The "Belt and Road" Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance, initiated by CUHK, in collaboration with the University of Chinese Medicine in Shanghai, the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangdong, the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Ningxia University, and the Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sichuan, is the first sponsor. In collaboration with the "One Belt, One Road" initiative, it is a voluntary, non-profit cooperation alliance formed by the national and regional Chinese traditional medicine industry, academia, and research institutes. Currently, among the founding members of the alliance are 20 provincial universities and traditional Chinese medicine institutes and 12 renowned companies in the Chinese traditional medicine sector. The alliance aims to bring together political, industrial, academic, and research institutions related to Chinese traditional medicine in countries and regions along the "Belt and Road," cultivate high-quality talents in Chinese traditional medicine, promote the modern development of Chinese traditional medicine and international cooperation, and contribute to building a community for human health. Xu Hongxi, a guest professor at CUHK's School of Chinese Medicine and the chief professor of Shanghai University of Chinese Medicine, is the first president of the alliance, while Professor Chen Weiyi, vice-president of CUHK, serves as the founding chairman of the alliance.

At the alliance's founding ceremony, Professor Duan Chongzhi, President of CUHK, extended his welcome and gratitude to all the guests. He noted that the establishment of the "Belt and Road" Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance and the Presidential Forum will jointly promote the "One Belt, One Road" initiative and the inheritance and innovation of Chinese traditional medicine in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Relying on the advantages of Hong Kong's universities and research institutes can promote the mainland's "Belt and Road" strategy for the globalization of Chinese medicine and accelerate the modernization and industrialization process.

Academician Huang Luqi, Vice Director of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and President of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, expressed his congratulations and expectations for the alliance's establishment. He stated that the alliance's creation in Hong Kong would not only unite the Chinese traditional medicine industry, academia, and research institutes in countries and regions along the "Belt and Road" but also use Hong Kong as a platform to promote the modernization, industrialization, and connection of Chinese traditional medicine with the world, which holds significant and far-reaching meaning.

Tian Xingjun, a representative of the alliance and director of the Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sichuan, introduced the development of Chinese traditional medicine in Sichuan in his speech. He suggested that alliance members continue to fully utilize their advantages, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries, and contribute further to building a shared future community for human health. The wisdom and power of Chinese traditional medicine.

Professor Chen Wenfeng, a representative of the alliance and secretary of the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, believes that promoting the development of Chinese traditional medicine is facing a great opportunity with the right time, place, and people. He also discussed how to fully leverage the unique advantages of Chinese traditional medicine, promote the modernization of Chinese traditional medicine, and advance the "going global" of Chinese traditional medicine. He provided suggestions.

Professor Zhang Zhongde, Vice Leader of the Central Government's Chinese Medicine Expert Group to assist Hong Kong in the fight against the epidemic and a nationally renowned Chinese medicine practitioner, stated that the Chinese traditional medicine industry in various countries and regions is an interdependent community with a shared future. Through the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance, the Chinese traditional medicine industry has opened its doors more widely to the outside world. Inland areas have shifted from "defensive" to "offensive," and the opening and development of coastal areas have reached a higher level.

At the Presidential Forum held at the same venue, Academician Huang Luqi delivered a fantastic programmatic speech, systematically outlining the theoretical system for planning the development of Chinese traditional medicine and systematic research on modernization. He also put forward higher-level requirements and expectations for the alliance. Professor Liang Bingzhong examined the development of Chinese traditional medicine at CUHK over the past 60 years and reported on CUHK's contributions to Chinese traditional medicine research using modern research methods and international cooperation.

Deans from 12 universities, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), and leaders from the Provincial Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Sichuan gave speeches and exchanged views on the development strategy of Chinese traditional medicine, the experience of "going global" for Chinese traditional medicine, and modern cooperation between industry, academia, and research. Together, they explored a path of cooperation and development for Chinese traditional medicine to promote the inheritance and innovation of Chinese traditional medicine, integrate it into modern times, and go global.

It was reported that the activities of the "Belt and Road" Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance will be oriented in a pragmatic manner and proposed and organized by alliance members as needed. This year, from October 30 to November 3, the "5th 'Belt and Road' Advanced Training Course on Chinese Traditional Medicine Development" was held at CUHK, with participants from 12 mainland Chinese traditional medicine universities.

In 2023, CUHK will celebrate its 60th anniversary. When the school was founded, CUHK adopted the mission of "uniting tradition and modernity, integrating China and the West" and continues to uphold it. "China: Tradition and Modernity" has also been incorporated into the "Strategic Plan 2025" as one of the four strategic research areas. The establishment of the "Belt and Road" Chinese Traditional Medicine Development Alliance is CUHK's positive response to the national "Belt and Road" initiative and a significant implementation of the university's mission and strategic plan. In the future, CUHK will continue to play an active role as a link and bridge along the Belt and Road initiative, contributing to the well-being of Hong Kong, China, and even the world. At the same time, Hong Kong will be promoted to become an international center for innovation and technology in Chinese medicine and a bridge connecting the mainland and the world.

Ultima modifica il Martedì, 14 Novembre 2023 12:32
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