Paziente con tumore cerebrale operato da sveglio mentre suona il sassofono
È uno dei primi interventi di tale complessità eseguiti in Italia in una struttura privata, il Paideia International Hospital di Roma. A guidare l'équipe il dottor Christian Brogna, esperto internazionale di chirurgia dei tumori complessi e "awake surgery"
Straordinario intervento chirurgico, al Paideia International Hospital di Roma, dove un paziente ha subito una operazione al cervello da sveglio mentre suonava il sassofono, da mancino, complicando ulteriormente una sfida già davvero eccezionale. L'équipe guidata dal dottor Christian Brogna, neurochirurgo Paideia International Hospital, esperto internazionale di chirurgia dei tumori complessi e "awake surgey", ha rimosso completamente il tumore cerebrale senza compromettere le funzioni neurologiche del paziente. Si tratta di uno dei primi interventi di tale complessità eseguiti in una struttura privata. G.Z, 35 anni, straniero ma romano d'adozione, appassionato di musica, sta bene e parla dell'intervento raccontando la tranquillità provata in quelle ore.
Researchers discover a catalyst to remove emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas
Researchers from the UPC, the University of Udine (Italy) and the ALBA Synchrotron have discovered a palladium and platinum catalyst, the first to eliminate methane emissions from transport and other human activities to reduce global warming. The study has been recently published in Nature Communications.
Methane is a primary component of natural gas, which has been promoted as a cleaner alternative to coal and petroleum-based fuels and whose use has skyrocketed in recent years. As a result, methane concentrations in the atmosphere have more than doubled since pre-industrial times.
Methane has 34 times the warming power of CO2 over 100 years and 86 times over 20 years. It is the second largest contributor to global warming. Holding global warming below 2°C as set under the Paris Agreement requires cutting not only CO2 emissions but also methane emissions. Human activities account for two thirds of methane emissions. The rest comes from natural sources. According to a United Nations report, most human-caused methane emissions come from fossil fuels, waste and livestock. Curbing methane emissions can limit global warming in the short term, buying us time to end CO2-induced warming for good.
We need to stop thinking of insects as ‘creepy crawlies’ and recognise their keystone role in ecosystems, say scientists
We need to stop thinking of insects as creepy crawlies and focus on the huge benefits they bring to people and the natural environment, scientists say.
The widespread and deeply engrained cultural perception of insects as creepy crawlies is a key factor holding back the public’s appreciation of the role they play within ecosystems. This perception is in part reflected in government biodiversity policy inaction across the globe, they argue. This point is among a range of actions highlighted as part of a new paper published in Ecology and Evolution produced by an international team of entomologists which outlines a ‘battle plan’ including steps needed to prevent further insect losses across the globe.
Led by Dr Philip Donkersley of Lancaster University and co-authored by scientists from the University of Hong Kong, the Czech Academy of Sciences and Harper Adams University, the paper is a call to action targeted at other entomologists to step up advocacy for insects.